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Sylvia Ortiz-Velez at groundbreaking for 16th Street Community Clinic expansion


We must ensure that those who need help, whether physical or mental, have access to affordable, quality care and hold the programs designated to help to the highest standard. We should never jeopardize anyone's personal  health simply because some legislators are distracted by the desire to score political points. We must also protect the rights of women to make their own personal health decisions without government interference.
Public Safety
Everyone deserves to feel safe when they're at home, walking down the street, getting in their car, or coming home from work. We want our kids to feel safe playing outside. As your state representative, I have supported legislation that ferrets out perpetrators of crime and punishes them appropriately while respecting the individual rights and liberties on which the U.S. was founded. I've also opposed bills that would put more guns on the streets, like lowering the age for concealed carry to 18 and allowing guns on school grounds.
Despite Wisconsin having one of the lowest unemployment rates in its history, the 8th district hasn't been thriving as much as our neighboring communities. Our workforce is impacted by retirement, lack of transportation, concerns over working conditions, and lack of child care options. That is why it was important to me to co-author a bill that would reestablish the freedom of all workers in Wisconsin to bargain for fair wages, benefits, and workplace safety. I've also supported legislation to create living wage jobs, fund workforce development programs in the city, and establish a child care tax credit. 
Affordable Housing
Four years after the pandemic and families continue to struggle to avoid eviction or foreclosure. I have co-authored legislation that provides grants to help homeowners with infrastructure repairs, creates incentives to commercial landlords to convert spaces to residential units, and encourages developers to build housing for working families. We must continue to rehabilitate our existing housing inventory and build new affordable housing developments.
We all need to have safe drinking water and clean air to breathe. We have to invest in a sustainable infrastructure. We made great strides this session with adopting our state's first PFAS standards, but the funds have yet to be released. We must push toward becoming a state with renewable energy sources. We must also protect our public land, water, and air holding polluters responsible for cleanups and the healthcare costs of those impacted.
Election Inegrity
I was the only Democrat in the Assembly that voted for Governor Evers’ Fair Maps. I am proud of this vote and knew it was the right thing to do for my district and the state. After almost fifteen years of gerrymandered maps, I am proud to say that Wisconsin now has fair and competitive maps. This means that voters now have a real chance at electing the candidate of their choice. Gerrymandered maps are bad for all of us and a threat to our democracy because they are unfair to citizens. Our new maps reflect years of fighting to protect our voting rights.
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